tisdag 27 april 2010

skavsår / blister

Om något strular, hur länge ska man bråka med det? När får man ge upp?
Bråkar med mig själv idag, bråkar om min mission. Tjurar, sätter mig emot, begriper inte dess riktning. Jag har ett helhetsgrepp, men luddiga detaljer. Detaljerna slår mig i ansiktet hela tiden. Irriterande.
Även i det djupa begreppet tillit, ska man mötas och dela sin tillvaro, sortera intryck, akta sig för att vara till lags men ändå visa hänsyn och förstå sin uppgift...
Även om min tillit är djup så har jag idag skavsår.
If something hassles, how long shall I fight it? When can I give it up?
Fighting with myself today, quarreling about my mission. Am grumpy, awkward, can´t understand the direction. I have a holistic approach, but some fuzzy details. These details turn my face the whole time. Annoying.
Even in the deep concept of trust, you meet and share your life, sort impression, mind not to suit everyone but still show respect and understand your task...
Although my faith is deep, today I have blister.

3 kommentarer:

rachel skrobalak sa...

i had a day like that yesterday. i'm sorry you're having a hard time. what ever you're going through i hope it doesn't last and i hope you feel better tomorrow. thank you for your lovely message! i would be honoured to announce a word on monday. i am staying up way too late. i'd better sleep now x

Aris sa...

it takes a blister to remind you how much you love walking...
Tomorrow(today) will be better I bet.
YOu are so talented, your words are as beautiful as your images.

hanna-happenings sa...

Thank You for Your support! Through the blister comes also Joy.